Thursday, 20 Feb 2025

Use Negative Keywords to Save Money

Factoring in negative keywords could spell the difference for the success of your campaign. While these may not be the keywords that the customers are looking for, they could influence what you want your company to be searched for and not. So for those who are considering including negative keywords in their ranking, here are some tips to help you out: Refer to negatives when doing research for the keywords you would like to not appear for. One negative aspect of having to go about searching for keywords is when people will not click on the keywords you rank for. This will result in you garnering a low CTR. On the other hand, if you use common keywords, a lot of people may click on them than you would want, and this could increase the cost per click, enlarging your expenses.

Next, try to develop a negative outlook when it comes to utilizing your own campaign. Be on the lookout for keywords that would be rejected, or customers would have reservations in searching for. You can’t always stay dormant and content with the keywords you have originally searched for. Supposedly you want to advertise rubber shoes. You wouldn’t want to be advertising for brown shoes, etc. So you have to put this exact match in the keywords as a negative word. So you have to take into account those subtle differences. Now that you have done the tasks previously mentioned, make negative keyword lists of your own. Create a list of the keywords you would deem negative and inappropriate for your search.

Peter Zmijewski is the founder and CEO at KeywordSpy. His expert knowledge on Internet Marketing practices and techniques has earned him the title “Internet Marketing Guru“ He is also an innovator, investor and entrepreneur widely recognized by the top players in the industry.