Monday, 3 Mar 2025

Ladislao José Biro Google Doodle Honors the Inventor of the Ballpoint Pen

Today’s Google doodle marks the 117th birthday of Ladislao José Bíro, the man responsible for the ballpoint pen.

Working with his brother, Google says Bíro introduced the first ballpoint pen at the Budapest International Fair in 1931. Eight years later, he would receive a patent for his invention.

He worked with his brother, György Bíro, a chemist, to develop a new type of pen made up of a ball that turned in a socket. As the ball turned, it picked up ink from a cartridge and rolled to deposit it on paper, much like a newsprint roller transfers an inked image to paper.
Google Doodle Blog

The logo leads to a search for “Ladislao José Bíro” and includes the usual sharing icon. Google also shared the initial sketches of the doodle on the Google Doodle Blog:

Source: Searchengineacademy

Peter Zmijewski is the founder and CEO at KeywordSpy. His expert knowledge on Internet Marketing practices and techniques has earned him the title “Internet Marketing Guru“ He is also an innovator, investor and entrepreneur widely recognized by the top players in the industry