Tuesday, 4 Mar 2025

Deep Learning visual SEO

It’s very exciting to see video SEO becoming a reality thanks to amazing algorithms and massive computing power.

Behind the Deep learning
What is deep learning? It is probably the biggest buzzword around along with AI (Artificial Intelligence). Deep Learning came from advanced math on large data set processing, similar to the way the human brain works. The human brain is made of up tons of neurons and we have long attempted to mimic how these neurons work. Previously, only humans and a few other animals had the ability to do what machines can now do.  This is a game changer.

Big Numbers


Video is a number of images linked together and played back at 30 frames-a-second. Analyzing massive number of frames is a major challenge as humans, we see video all the time and our brains are processing those images in real-time.

See Search
The secret to handling all this big data was reducing the number of frames to be processed.The key is extracting frame level features from 1 frame-per-second creating a manageable data set.it’s easy to see why pre-processing was required to do video image analysis and frame segmenting created a manageable data set.

Deep Learning Opportunity in SEO
Browers has beautifully created two big parts of the video deep learning trifecta.First, they opened up a video based labeling system.This will give all in the industry a leg up in analyzing video.The deep learning code and hardware are becoming democratized, and its all about the visual pipeline. Having access to a robust data pipeline is the differentiation. Companies that have the data
pipeline will create a competitive advantage  from this trifecta.

Visual search is driving opportunity and lowering technology costs to propel innovation. Video discovery is not bound by what’s in a video description (meta layer). The use cases around deep learning include medical image processing to self-flying drones, and that is just a start.
Deep learning will have a profound impact our daily lives in ways we never imagined.Both Instagram and Snapchat are using sticker overlays based on facial recognition and Google Photo sort your photos better than any app out there. Now we’re seeing purchases linked with object recognition at
product identification powered by deep learning.


Peter Zmijewski is the founder and CEO at KeywordSpy. His expert knowledge on Internet Marketing practices and techniques has earned him the title “Internet Marketing Guru“ He is also an innovator, investor and entrepreneur widely recognized by the top players in the industry.