Tuesday, 4 Mar 2025

SEO Content Writing – Love It or Others Won’t

Writing optimized content for SEO requires more than just getting to the required word limit – if the author doesn’t care about the output it is unlikely a reader will. A recent article cited at Sphinn discusses the merits of having a positive mindset when sitting down to write optimized content. The article cited is found at Nicole Beckett’s Premium Content Source blog.

Nicole provides the following insight:

If you’re truly interested in what you’re talking about, other people will be, too. And if you’re just trying to “get through” the article so that you have something new to publish, people will feel the same way.Remember, you are competing with thousands – or even millions – of other people for your target audience’s attention.

In 2006 I wrote about the the SEO “artiste” in me. To this day I believe this still applies. Sometimes one simply doesn’t feel “in the mood” to write great content. However for an agency or anyone paying a content writer to produce optimized and compelling copy, deadlines are likely more important than allowing the writer to feel most comfortable. In my experience working with some great content developers over the years, I would recommend allowing your writers to work as “flex” of a schedule as possible. Additionally, make sure they have a variety of content to write about, ideally mixed with both interesting and more mundane topics like ball bearings. Once they have gained your trust, allow them to work in an environment that is most suited to maximizing their inner muse.

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