Tuesday, 4 Mar 2025

Twitter testing tweet scheduling on the web

Marketers who aren’t using a third-party tool to compose and schedule tweets could find this quite handy.

Marketers who aren't using a third-party tool to compose and schedule tweets could soon have this capability right from Twitter.com
Tweet scheduling from Twitter’s TweetDeck is coming to Twitter.com.

The test was confirmed by Twitter’s standalone app TweetDeck, which enables users to manage, sort, and schedule tweets across various Twitter accounts.



Tweet scheduling on https://twitter.com ? Yes please! Starting today, we’re experimenting with bringing one of @TweetDeck’s handiest time-saving features into Twitter. Tell us what you think if you’re part of the experiment.

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Why we should care. The vast majority of Twitter users do not use TweetDeck or another third-party tool to manage their activities. Having scheduling capabilities available on Twitter.com will make it easier for more marketers, influencers and social media managers to write and schedule tweets from their desks or even on-the-go via the mobile web. If Twitter rolls out the feature to all users, brands could end up relying less on third-party social management platforms to compose and schedule content.