Saturday, 11 Jan 2025

Pro Tip: How to overcome obstacles to try new PPC tactics

Think outside the box with past creatives that might still be applicable to plan ahead for the next fiscal year.

Let’s take a look at two of the most common roadblocks and ways to overcome them.

Creative creation

If your client has limited resources to create new videos or images, then maybe a channel’s tools can help. Here are a few examples:

Google: I’ve found that some clients have video available but they’re just too long. If you’ve run into the same problem, you could enlist in the Bumper Machine Beta and have Google’s Bumper Machine create six-second bumper ads from existing longer videos. The videos can be downloaded for use on other channels.

Facebook/Instagram: Use video or slideshow creation tools. You can send the preview link to your client for approval before launching.

Pinterest: Contact your rep to have their internal creative team provide either 2 free pins or 1 free video for new clients. One revision is included.


If you don’t have the budget for a new test, find some alternatives using your existing budget. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Temporarily pause a lower priority or less profitable campaign(s) or channel to use funds from one of these for your test.
  2. Determine a sub-segment for your test to get an initial feel. For example, if you want to launch a new channel, start with something safer like Brand or Remarketing. Or, initiate your test in just one Non-Brand campaign to start.
  3. Do a short and long-term performance audit to see where you might be able to trim some fat and shift some budget.

Key considerations

Regardless of your particular hurdle to testing, keep the following in mind:

  1. Consider Betas. Stay informed on the latest Betas or new features available in each channel by reaching out to your reps. One of them could help you overcome a barrier to your next breakthrough test.
  2. Think outside the box. There might be another resource or work-around that you simply hadn’t considered. I love revisiting past creatives that are still applicable but were retired.
  3. Plan ahead. Create proposals for desired tests and resend them to your client when the annual budget process starts. Also, recommend a testing budget bucket for unforeseen ideas, platform changes, etc. next fiscal year.