Monday, 3 Mar 2025

Twitter Launches Fleets, Disappearing Tweets

Twitter has officially rolled out its new disappearing tweets, called Fleets, to all users.

Twitter has been trying new features and abilities in an effort to compete with newer social media platforms and remain competitive. Although one of the most popular platforms, some believe it has been eclipsed by competitors, in terms of growth and innovation.

The latest new feature, Fleets, is designed to help users share momentary thoughts. According to Twitter’s testing, Fleets are especially good at helping new users feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts, an important factor in continual growth.

Twitter’s Joshua Harris and Sam Haveson made the announcement:

You can Fleet text, reactions to Tweets, photos or videos and customize your Fleets with various background and text options. To share a Tweet in a Fleet tap the “Share” icon at the bottom of the Tweet and then tap, “Share in Fleet.” Then, add what you think about it with some text or emojis. Soon, stickers and live broadcasting will be available in Fleets.

Your followers can see your Fleets at the top of their home timeline. Anyone who can see your full profile can see your Fleets there too. If you have open Direct Messages, anyone can reply to your Fleets. If you want to reply to a Fleet, tap on it to send a Direct Message or emoji to the author, and continue the conversation in your Direct Messages….Fleets will be updated over time with new features, based on your feedback.

Fleets should help Twitter compete with other social media services in its efforts to maintain relevancy.