Bing May Remove Navigation To Additional Search Result Pages

Bing is so confident in some of their search results that they will remove the pagination to additional search result pages.
Bing may drop their paginated search results for some search queries where they are confident that page one of the search results are “the most relevant results” for the query.
If you search for some long tail queries, for example searching for [specifications for black iphone 6 64GB] at the footer of page one of the search results in Bing, instead of finding links to more pages of results, you will see a message that reads:
We think these are the most relevant results for your search. We’ve omitted some lower-quality results.
To be fair, there is a hyperlink to “see all results,” even the results Bing itself admits were omitted because they may be “lower-quality results.”
Here is a picture of the Bing footer without the pagination:
Here is a picture of the Bing footer with pagination for a normal search query: