Amazon Destroyed Millions of Counterfeit Products in 2020

Amazon has detailed its efforts to fight counterfeit products, including the destruction of more than 2 million counterfeits.
Few companies have enjoyed as much success as Amazon during the pandemic. The company became a lifeline for many who were under lockdown and quarantine, and significantly expanded its workforce to keep up.
A long-term problem Amazon has faced, however, has been companies and individuals trying to sell counterfeit goods on the site. As Amazon has become a force to be reckoned with in the retail market, it is also stepping up its efforts to combat counterfeit products and attract brands that have been reluctant to sell on the site.
In its first Brand Protection Report, Amazon said fewer than 0.01% of products sold received a counterfeit complaint. That low number was, in part, the result of the company’s aggressive fight against the problem.
We seized and destroyed more than 2 million products sent to our fulfillment centers and that we detected as counterfeit before being sent to a customer.
The company also stepped up its efforts to prevent bad actors from even gaining a foothold in the store.
Our verification processes stopped over 6 million attempts to create a selling account before they were able to publish a single listing for sale. This is a significant increase from the 2.5 million attempts we stopped in 2019, and it was driven by increased bad actor attempts to get into our store that we successfully thwarted.
Amazon’s transparency about its efforts may help sway companies and brands that have been reluctant to embrace the e-commerce giant.