Tuesday, 4 Mar 2025
Author: ppcguru

The Mad Scientists of Paid Search — SMX Advanced Session Recap

In this lively paid search session, each of the Mad Scientist speakers brought fresh ideas, data and insight to our fast-paced world of paid search and consumer intent. Here is an overview of what they shared. Here are some of his findings: Andy estimates that 20 percent of exact match traffic came from close variants […]

5 things to check if your traffic suddenly drops

No one’s immune to traffic drops, and the causes may be easy to overlook. Still, to avoid barking up the wrong tree, gather the evidence first: look closely at the overall stats for a long enough period in your Google Analytics to see if the traffic spike really looks out of place or if it […]

PayPal Will Soon Integrate More Payment Options Into Google Services

Google’s rebranding of Google Pay this year was done to make twofold transactions go more smoothly. Now, the company is integrating PayPal into the mix. This will enable PayPal users to pay bills and make purchases without having to log in or out of Google services. The integration between Google and PayPal will go live […]

Bing ‘intelligent search’ capabilities continue to expand, include facts from multiple sources

Bing has announced several upgrades to its AI-powered intelligent search capabilities. Bing first launched intelligent search in December, bringing artificial intelligence to deliver richer search answers, and enhance image and conversational search. Now, Bing is launching more intelligent search features with: Aggregated facts across multiple sources. Hover-over definitions for uncommon words. Multiple answers for how-to questions. […]

Hidden PPC traffic killers

If a pay-per-click (PPC) account and the advertiser’s business model are functioning reasonably well, we often find that a business owner becomes heavily dependent on the PPC channel. “Max the volume!” and “We’re down from last year, I’m very worried” are typical (if vague) remits from clients and bosses deep in the thrall of this […]

Blog Searches on Google Get Rich Results

Google has a new look for blog searches. Searches for blogs now return carousels and rich lists of popular blogs. The new feature which appears in mobile and desktop searches show rich results for queries about blog topics, like “cooking blogs” or “tech blogs.” This is the carousel look for a cooking blogs search: Here […]

A Connected Product Can Drive Success

Salesforce is conducting their annual Dreamforce conference this week with a variety of speakers giving talks. One that was interesting yesterday was from Bharat Anand, who is the Henry R. Byers Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. Bharat’s talk was about ‘Digital Innovation Trends Shaping Our Future’ which is also the subject of […]

Facebook Sees Growth in Ad Sales Despite Drop in Usage

Facebook saw a decline in usage for the first time in its history, undoubtedly brought about by certain changes made to its News Feed. Despite that, the social media company’s digital ads remained profitable, stemming any concerns investors might have. Facebook recently released its earnings report for the last quarter of 2017. The report underlined […]

Facebook Takes Steps to Clarify Ad Metrics in Light of Complaints from Advertisers

Facebook is finally taking steps to address advertisers’ concerns regarding ad performance. In the interest of transparency, the social media giant is set to clean up its ad metrics and clarify how campaigns are measured. Advertisers have been raising questions about Facebook’s metrics, prompting the company to admit to errors in how ad performance is […]