Tuesday, 4 Mar 2025
Category: Bing

Bing May Remove Navigation To Additional Search Result Pages

Bing is so confident in some of their search results that they will remove the pagination to additional search result pages. Bing may drop their paginated search results for some search queries where they are confident that page one of the search results are “the most relevant results” for the query. If you search for some long […]

Yahoo-Bing Reach New Search Deal; Yahoo Gains Right To Serve Search Ads On The PC

New terms pave the way for Gemini-powered search ads on the PC. This morning Yahoo and Microsoft announced an amended search relationship. While it keeps the basic framework of the original deal in place it gives both companies, most notably Yahoo, more autonomy. Under the old deal, Yahoo had to carry Microsoft’s Bing’ ads on desktop. On mobile, […]

Bing says it is improving web crawler efficiency

Bing is working on making sure its crawler doesn’t miss new content and at the same time overload your web servers. Fabrice Canel, principal program manager for Bing Webmaster Tools, provided an update on his team’s efforts to improve the efficiency of their web crawler, BingBot. Responding to user feedback. The update is a follow up […]

Bing Ads Editor Update Now Available: App Extensions, Paste Special And More

Version 10.8 also includes more options for downloading statistics and setting bids. Version 10.8 of Bing Ads Editor is now available for download. Here’s are some of the highlights of what’s new. 1. Support for app extensions: App marketers can manage app extensions, which show download links for iOS, Windows and Android devices (in the US only […]

Bing To Encrypt Searches By Default & Referrer Data To Go Not Provided This Summer

Not Provided is about to expand when Bing goes HTTPS over the summer, ultimately blocking query data in the referrer path. Bing announced they will begin encrypting their searches over TLS. So instead of seeing referrals from http://www.bing.com, they will begin coming from https://www.bing.com. This happens this summer and with the change, Bing will no longer pass […]

Bing Ads Releases Demographics & Reach Data Visualization

Marketers can quickly access stats on searches in the US across multiple verticals. Marketers can quickly access stats on searches in the US across multiple verticals. Want to know how many searchers Bing Ads reach in your vertical? Or understand the demographic make-up of searchers on Bing and Yahoo search sites?  Bing Ads built a new data […]

Are You Making These 5 Mistakes When Importing From AdWords To Bing Ads?

Using Bing Ads’ “Import from Google AdWords” feature? If so, columnist Purna Virji cautions you to avoid these potential pitfalls. The “Import from Google AdWords” feature within Bing Ads has proven to be a blessing to many a time-crunched PPC practitioner. However, its simplicity belies the fact that there are a few additional optimizations — […]

Is Bing Trolling Google & Alphabet With ABC.WTF Redirect?

Google’s name change/reorganization prompts a witty response from Redmond. Google’s big restructuring/name change news today has many people scratching their heads. And perhaps the perfect reaction to the confusion came from Bing… well, perhaps it came from Bing. The ABC.WTF domain now redirects to the Microsoft search engine. Zing! Bing! So is Microsoft officially having […]