Monday, 3 Mar 2025
Category: Bing

A Round Up Of Today’s Thanksgiving Themed Search Engine Homepages & Logos

While’s Google’s Thanksgiving Day logo may have the best music, it’s not the only site to celebrate the holiday. Here’s a quick round up of Thanksgiving themed homepages and logos from a few popular search engines: Bing’s Homepage: Yahoo Thanksgiving Logo: Dogpile: Google’s Homepage and Video of Its Thanksgiving Day Song: [youtube width=”560″ height=”315″][/youtube] […]

Bing Webmaster Guidelines Updated To Include Demotions For Keyword Stuffing

Bing has quietly updated their Webmaster Guidelines to include a stern warning to webmasters who think they can use keyword stuffing techniques to manipulate their rankings and get away with it. The warning says Bing may demote the site or delist the site that is using keyword stuffing. The new section was added sometime yesterday […]

Bing: Again, Why We Are Better Than Google At Image Search

Several months ago, Bing told us seven ways Bing is better than Google at image search. This week, Bing posted more examples in the Bing blog of why Bing is better than Google at image search. The examples are of course specific sets of queries that show better results for Bing over Google. I wouldn’t […]

At Five Years Old, Bing Has Come Far Yet Has More To Grow

Microsoft’s Bing search engine has turned five this week. There are good reasons for some birthday celebrations at Microsoft. The company has created a solid competitor to Google, grown its market share and created a search platform for other Microsoft products. But when it comes to mindshare, Bing is still far behind rivaling Google as […]

Bing Adds School Ratings To Search Results

Microsoft Bing has announced they’ve added a new feature to the school snapshot boxes on the right hand panel — the school’s rating. They’ve added school ratings, rankings and academic indicators directly in Bing Snapshot. Microsoft says this works for searching for schools from elementary to high school to higher education. Bing displays how they […]

Bing Image Widget Now Offline After Getty Images Lawsuit

The Bing Image Widget that launched on August 22nd is now temporarily offline after Getty Images sued Microsoft over the feature. If you try to access the tool, you will be presented with a notice that the “Image Widget” has been “temporarily removed the beta.” Here is a picture: Getty Imaged filed a lawsuit against […]

Bing Reveals Some Mobile Ranking Techniques & Relevancy Factors

Mir Rosenberg from the Bing Mobile Relevancy team posted some of the “factors at play” when it comes to how Bing determines mobile relevance and ranking in the mobile results. As you know, a couple weeks ago, Bing announced new mobile crawlers to help them discover and understand different forms of mobile content. Now, Bing […]

Bing Tests New News Card That Expands

Check out this neat new Bing Search test, where you can expand to see more news related content in the Bing search results. Ruben Gomez found a new Bing test where they are experimenting with showing a News card that expands and shows more news. Searching in Bing for news related terms, in this test, would bring […]