Monday, 3 Mar 2025
Category: Bing

Bing Ads debuts Target CPA, Maximize Conversions smart bidding strategies

A campaign only needs a minimum of 15 conversions within the past 30 days to be eligible for either of the new bidding strategies. Bing Ads announced Monday that automated bidding strategies Target CPA and Maximize Conversions are now generally available for campaigns targeting Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom or the United States. Both strategies have […]

The ultimate guide to using Bing Webmaster Tools — Part 1

Contributor and Bing Chief Evangelist Christi Olson kicks off a multipart series on Bing webmaster tools. If you are new to Bing’s webmaster toolset, this detailed guide will get you started and on your way to better rankings on Bing. If you are a website owner, you’ve invested a lot of time and resources to […]

Bing Ads launches page feeds for easier Dynamic Search Ads management

Use page feeds to manage URL groupings for auto targets in DSA campaigns.   Page feeds in Bing Ads will be rolling out to all accounts over the next few weeks to help advertisers manage targets for Dynamic Search Ads. Why should you care? Page feeds eliminate the need to create targets for specific URLs or groups of […]

Bing is asking for feedback on its Webmaster Guidelines

“Any shady tactics you think are not penalized enough?” Bing project manager tweeted. Frédéric Dubut, web ranking and quality project manager for Bing, is embarking on a journey to refresh the company’s webmaster guidelines. “SEO friends! I’m kicking off an effort to refresh our @Bing webmaster guidelines, both the spirit and the letter. Any shady […]

Bing Updates iPhone App: Bar Code Scanning, Social Integration & More

This morning, Microsoft’s Bing iPhone App was updated to include new search and social features. I was able to play around with the new features this morning and I wanted to share my experience with you. In summary, the new Bing iPhone app includes: Improved products with landing page, results, details and instant answer Details […]

Bing launches new portal for URL and content submission APIs

Check out this new site from Bing to find everything you need to know about the two APIs. Bing has launched a new portal for the indexing API and content submission API. Announced Friday, the new portal can be found at The portal. The portal educates developers, web site owners and SEOs about these two APIs that […]

Bing supports rel=sponsored & rel=ugc

You can use the rel=”nofollow” or rel=”sponsored” or rel=”ugc” attributes, to “prevent the links from being followed by a crawler and from potentially impacting search rankings. A new tidbit found in the updated Bing Webmaster Guidelines is that Bing now supports rel=”sponsored” and rel=”ugc” attributes on your links. This is in addition to Bing supporting the rel=”nofollow” […]

Bing applies AI and natural language models to autosuggest, People Also Ask

Intelligent answers and semantic highlighting are also rolling out to more markets. Bing is now using natural language generation models (models that generate text) to improve its autosuggest and People Also Ask (PAA) features, the company announced Wednesday. It is also expanding the use of natural language representation models to extend its question answering and semantic highlighting […]

Bing’s new shopping features emphasize comparison shopping

The updated interface helps it reach parity with Google Shopping, but both search engines are looking to provide users with features and data that Amazon doesn’t. Bing has added aggregated ratings, expert reviews, product specifications and the ability to compare historic prices across sellers to its shopping search engine, the company announced Thursday. Examples of Bing Shopping […]