Monday, 3 Mar 2025
Category: Bing

Bing Testing New Search Results Design

Bing is testing a new design for the search results layout. The new design seems a lot cleaner, fresher and more organized compared to the older design. Jason Hart tipped us off listing out the key differences: Vertical tabs removed Top and bottom search boxes widened Search button icon changed Several links removed from header […]

Bing Testing New, Google-y Local Search Results

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, the folks at Bing Local are paying Google a very nice compliment with a new display for local search results that looks quite a bit like what Google often shows. As first spotted by, Bing’s new local search results no longer consistently show a “pack” of […]

Bing’s May Search Updates: Domain Cleanup, Recourse Links, Related Searches

Back in March, Bing began sharing regular updates about changes that it’s made to search quality and the user search experience, much like Google has been doing since late last year. The latest Bing update was published earlier today and, rather than sharing surface-level information about dozens of changes like Google does, Bing has chosen […]

Bing’s Voice Search On Xbox Now Searches The Web, Too

Microsoft is expanding Bing’s capabilities in the living room with news today that Xbox users can search the web via their console. It’s part of the “new entertainment experience” that Microsoft is pushing out this week via the Xbox. Bing Voice Search has been available on the Xbox since June 2011, but it could only […]

Bing Expands Its Snapshot To Include People & Landmarks

There’s no escaping it: It looks and acts a lot like Google’s Knowledge Graph. But Bing calls it “Snapshot” — that middle column in between its main search results and the social sidebar on the far right. And today, Snapshot expands to begin showing facts and related information for both people and landmarks. So, on […]

Bing Adds 5X More Facebook Content To Social Sidebar

The big news in search this week was the announcement of Facebook’s Graph Search. But today, Microsoft is making enhancements to its own “social search” capability. Specifically, Bing is adding more content to its Social Sidebar feature. In a way, this is a reintroduction of Social Sidebar following the news of Facebook’s Graph Search. People […]

Bing Maps Adds Variety Of Hi-Res Image Improvements

Bing Maps has announced a series of updates to its high-resolution imagery, including expanded coverage, better mapping of ocean floors, cloud filtering and more. The prime features that Bing is touting involve what it calls “top of the world” imagery — those hi-res, top-down images. Improvements there include: Cloud cover filtering: Bing processes its base […]

Want To Comment On Facebook? Now You Can, From Bing

A new Facebook/Bing integration today will further entrench Facebook data into Bing results. Users are now able to interact with Facebook directly within the Bing Search Results Pages, in more than the usual one-way, read-only context. When a logged in user performs a Bing search for a  query the social sidebar will show on the right rail outside of […]

Bing iPad App Gets An Upgrade

Bing has quietly released an update for the Bing iPad App, adding new features and making optimization improvements to the app. The app can be downloaded for free over here in the app store. The changes, as listed in version 1.3 include: Bookmark Web/Image/News Search Query Provide Daily Trending Images with density layout Enable Map […]