Monday, 3 Mar 2025
Category: SEO

SEO Content Writing – Love It or Others Won’t

Writing optimized content for SEO requires more than just getting to the required word limit – if the author doesn’t care about the output it is unlikely a reader will. A recent article cited at Sphinn discusses the merits of having a positive mindset when sitting down to write optimized content. The article cited is […]

Should you keep your best content on your site or send it away?

Recently, I’ve had some very enjoyable discussions with other search engine optimization specialists (SEOs) about where to place promotional content. Opinions vary and are dependent on the goals of the webmaster. Some webmasters openly ask for guest bloggers since they need content and don’t have a writing staff. Others who are just starting out want […]

5 things to check if your traffic suddenly drops

No one’s immune to traffic drops, and the causes may be easy to overlook. Still, to avoid barking up the wrong tree, gather the evidence first: look closely at the overall stats for a long enough period in your Google Analytics to see if the traffic spike really looks out of place or if it […]

Ranking factors session recap from SMX Advanced 2018

I make a habit of going to the SEO Ranking Factors panel at SMX Advanced every year. You always get some good information and interesting thoughts on what’s changing in the world of ranking factors, and this year was no exception. Here is my overview of the three speakers and what they shared. Marcus Tober, […]

Building links in boring industries

It’s safe to say that most search engine optimization (SEO) practitioners today understand the role that relevant, high-quality links play in achieving organic ranking and traffic. What is less understood, however, is how to earn those links in sufficient volume to achieve and maintain results — especially when it comes to industries that some may […]

Building an in-house search marketing team — Part 2

In Part 1 of this two-part series, I talked about building, growing and maintaining an in-house search marketing team and also outlined different organizational structures. In Part 2, I will continue to talk about each of those issues plus outline an appropriate organizational structure that will give an in-house team the best possible chance to […]

It definitely looks like it’s working, and it’s using data from January 2007. Other forum members report that it’s showing May data. I suppose it may vary per search term but I’m unable to get May data. Forum discussion continues at WebmasterWorld.

Google announced on the Webmaster blog that they have updated the Lighthouse Chrome Extension to add SEO Audit features. Google said “you can now do a basic SEO Health-check in Chrome (Canary) DevTools or with the Lighthouse extension.” Google said the SEO audit features are very basic, “nor does it make any SEO guarantees for Google websearch or other […]

What negative SEO is and is not

In the first of a six-part series on negative SEO and its effect on links, content and user signals, contributor Joe Sinkwitz sets the tone by dispelling myths and providing definitions of key concepts.   Today we are starting a six-part series on Negative SEO. The series will be broken into three areas and will […]

Death of an SEO

Death is the inevitable result of life. We are born. Somewhere along the way we become useful. Then we become useless again and die. On this day, a life is gone. The life of the Content SEO. There are two types of SEO’s. Not WhiteHats and BlackHats, in case that’s what you were thinking. I’ve […]

The first steps of your SEO audit: Indexing issues

Indexing is really the first step in any SEO audit. Why? If your site is not being indexed, it is essentially unread by Google and Bing. And if the search engines can’t find and “read” it, no amount of magic or search engine optimization (SEO) will improve the ranking of your web pages. In order […]